I just thought I would give you an update on what the Biden administration has done so far for Union Labor.  I attached this Link to a video of Biden addressing the right to bargain.

 CLICK HERE for President Biden Video

Please watch.

In my lifetime I have not seen a President promote unionization so forceful as this one. Likely not since FDR have we seen a pro-worker president.

Some of the other things President Biden has done since taking office:

  • Appointed Marty Walsh a lifelong union Laborer to become Labor Secretary. Not since the ’70s have we seen a Building Trades Union Official become the Labor Secretary.
  • President Biden fired all the union-busting attorneys from the NLRB (National Labor Relations Board).
  • President Biden has pushed all the Federal agencies back to the bargaining table after he fired all the members of the Bargaining Panel Trump used to override the Federal Workers’ contracts.
  • He put an Executive order in place that was stronger and closed many loopholes companies used to get around the previous Buy American provisions.
  • He appointed Peter Sung Ohr a pro-labor attorney as Lead Attorney to the Labor Board.

So far President Biden is shaping up to be the most Pro-Union President we have seen in a long time. Let’s hope he keeps pushing a pro-worker agenda that will only benefit workers and worker rights to collectively bargain.

President Biden Update