Couple Reminders:
First off, if you are an active working member that has received their Benny Card (the HRA Master Card) and need a second one for your spouse, please contact Tri-State Health and Welfare to request a second one for your spouse. They only send one to the member by default. 844-395-4467 they will get a second one out to you.
Second, The golf outing is coming up June 2, 2019, have you registered? Deadline is May 17. Get your foursome in. I hope to see you all there, it was a good time last year let’s make it a better one this year.
If you need the golf flyer, see post below to grab it , print it, fill it out, and send it in or drop it off.
March 2019 Connector is Available!! Plus June 2nd Golf Outing Flyer!
Iron Workers Local 498 Connector – March 2019
Check out what has been happening in and around the Local! We have the upcoming allocation for our final raise at April’s General Meeting as well as our Golf Outing for 2019 on June 2nd. See attached Flyer below. Hope to see you there!
Reminder: We are cashless.
The International has mandated that we be a cashless organization. We have been this way since July of 2018. Please be prepared when coming to take care of your dues and all other transactions.
This will be Posted as a reminder. Thank you for your understanding.
February Connector is Out!
Check our what has been happening and what is coming up in the local.
Reminder: March 19th meeting we will have the vote on the By-Law proposal regarding Assessments.
April Meeting we will be voting to allocate $2.50 per hour for the last of our 3 year contract ending May 31, 2019, to take affect June 1, 2019. We will be negotiating next year.
The January Connector is Available!
There is some important information in there for you on an up coming education seminar, Death Benefit and more. Check it out.
Link – The Connector – January 2019
Click on the link above to open.
Connector December 2018
The December Connector is Out!
Brother Donald Blecker has passed away.
He was a member of the death benefit program.

James Golden has passed away.
He was a member of the death benefit program.